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Single Jersey Circular Knitting Machine

Diameter:14”-68” Gauge: 12G-44G Feeder: 36F-408F

The frame of the machine combines the knitting principle with human engineering, which makes the machine firm and pretty. High quality cast iron is employed for natural aging process, which prevents parts from deforming and provides better quality.

By changing the core parts only, single knitting machines can be transformed into terry machines or fleece machines, which helps improve efficiency and brings about flexibility in knitting.

All cams made of imported alloy steel are carved and ground in the CNC machine, which makes the needle track smooth and the needle durable while machines run at high speed. The streamlined cams are easy to adjust which also makes the needle smooth and stable at high speed.

With a compact structure, the newly designed central stitch system works smoothly and steadily and adjusts fabric weight simply and accurately, which helps improve efficiency.

Unique drive system with specially designed dual tracks reduces wear and makes the machine run more smoothly with less barre marks.

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