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Interlock Circular Knitting Machine

Diameter:14”-46” Gauge: 12G-44G Feeder: 28F-130F

Top and bottom gears are designed to be immersed in lubricants in order to abate the noise, reduce wear, improve accuracy and enhance durability.

Employing newly designed machine frame, the dial cam box base and the bush sleeve move synchronously, which makes the adjustment of needle deviation and space simply and accurately.

Multifunctional machines, equipped with 2-track cams in the dial and 4-track cams in the cylinder, can produce different double jersey fabric by changing the order of the cams.

Dual dedusting system of cylinder: The upper needle dial and lower cylinder of the machine are designed to be equipped with dedusting fans which clean cotton dust more effectively, which avoids the needle breakage and improves the quality of cloth.

Unique drive system with specially designed dual tracks reduces wear and makes the machine run more smoothly with less barre marks.


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