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Links-Links Computerized Jacquard Circular Knitting Machine

Diameter:30”-38” Gauge: 7G-19G Feeder: 18F-32F

The domestic advanced jacquard system is adopted to control needles to run between upper and lower cylinders, and acting Knit, Tuck, Miss in lower cylinder for loop formation, tucking and floating, which can produce fabric with different patterns without limitation. Any intricate pattern of fabric can be converted via computerized pattern preparation system into the special control command which instructs selectors to make jacquard fabric.

The control system is designed to install the electronic computer processing system and computerized selectors together in the machine with the advanced micro-processing technology. The precise encoder can accurately calculate the needle position and zero-point calibration to ensure the stability of needle selection system. The machine adopts touch LCD display screens to simply the operation, save space and keep itself clean and tidy.

No specific softwares are needed for graphics but common ones. Any cloth cover or pattern can be scanned into or programmed and input into computers, edited, converted into needle selecting programs by WAC Designer, put into USB and run on the machine.

This machine is characterized by the cooperation of needle sleeves and hooks to realize the movement of needles in upper and lower cylinders, thereby reducing the friction between needle hooks and needle sleeves. Therefore the lifespan of needle on this machine is longer, prevent oil lines and picks on fabrics. It is the best option for high-quality fabrics manufacturers.


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