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Single Computerized Jacquard Circular Knitting Machine

Diameter:12”-44” Gauge: 7G-32G Feeder: 34F-84F

The machine, unlike common jacquard machines, uses computerized selectors to select needles in the cylinder with the 3-way technique of knit, tuck and miss, which can produce fabric with different patterns without limitation. This function is also time-saving on changing patterns. Any intricate pattern of fabric can be converted via computerized pattern preparation system into the special control command which instructs selectors to make jacquard fabric.

The control system is designed to install the electronic computer processing system and computerized selectors together in the machine with the advanced micro-processing technology. The machine adopts touch LCD display screens to simply the operation, save space and keep itself clean and tidy.

No specific softwares are needed for graphics but common ones. Any cloth cover or pattern can be scanned into or programmed and input into computers, edited, converted into needle selecting programs by WAC Designer, put into USB and run on the machine.

This machine is characterized by simple interchanging between single jacquard and mesh jacquard, which can be realized by only replacing the cylinder cams, which greatly reduces the workload of testing.


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